5 Small Changes That Will Improve Your Career in 2021

What’s going on everyone. Today’s video is a little bit different from my normal videos, but it is important nonetheless. 2020 was one of the craziest years that we’ve experienced. Today I wanted to share things that work for me, in hopes that it will work for you. I will be sharing five changes in life that will improve your career.

        The first thing is small habits. People make the mistake of doing too much all at once, you get discouraged, run out of gas and go back to your old habits. To fix this, start small. Then create a list of things you must do every day. Then prioritize that list from most important, to least important. Doing this will give you that rush when you know you are making progress throughout the day. Once you do this, rinse and repeat for one week and see how it goes on day seven. If you’ve done it successfully for seven days, then go onto adding three small tasks that will help you get to your career goal that you are going for.

        Tip number two, are daily MITs. These are your daily most important tasks. People that have full-time jobs, this will be considered a side hustle. The way I suggest doing this is to take your long term goal, chop it up into micro pieces and chip away at them every day.

        Tip number three is a higher purpose. I’m not talking about giving up everything and living in the middle of nowhere. It could be making sure to provide a living for your family. Or get your act straight, give up video games, find a job so that you can find someone to fall in love with, get married, and grow your family. For me, I want to focus on higher level stuff and less busy work, so that I can be physically and mentally present with my family.

        Tip number four is to stay positive. This is a must. Without it, there is absolutely no point in doing any of it. Our industry is filled with negative energy, so we have to take the initiative to change that. For me, I work hard in seeing the best in people, even to a fault. I also ignore or block people spitting venom on the internet. I don’t want this to corrode me from the inside out. I also try to stay so busy I don’t have time to be negative and look at other people’s flaws.

        Tip number five is don’t quit. Say you want to make an iPhone review video, you go on YouTube to do your research and you see the top results. These videos are the best of the best. The problem with this way of researching is that before you even start your own video, you are comparing yourself to the top of the top. Of course you are going to think you’re not good enough, and you’ll give up. When I created my masterclass, I actually went off the grid. I locked myself in a room and thought of my experiences that I picked up throughout the way. I also asked myself this question, “what would I have paid thousands of dollars to learn, that would have skyrocketed my career?”

        With that, I hope you all take these tips and implement them into your life! Be possessed!


Waqas + Dayna Qazi