How to get the Old Film look | DaVinci Resolve 17 Tutorial

  What’s going on everyone! Welcome to another awesome tutorial. Today we are going to be going over how to get the old film look.

        We are going to start by picking a hero frame for our grade.

 Here we are creating an elegant, clean look, but it will have the DNA of an old film look.

        Now let’s go ahead and create a node tree.

        Now starting in our second node, because we are going to be using a film print emulation LUT, we need to convert this with a CST to a Cineon Film Log output gamma.

Now in our third node, we are going to use our Kodak 2383 LUT (provided by DaVinci Resolve). We will be using the D55 version on this shot.

Now because I applied the conversion, the whole image is looking proper. Otherwise it would have been super crushed and wouldn’t look good.

        Moving to our fourth node, we are going to drop on our film damage OFX. Here we are going to adjust some parameters. I want to start by removing the dirt and scratches on the image. We aren’t going for that look here.

Then I want to ease off the vignette a bit too. It’s too much.

We are just trying to create a film texture. What makes it that? If you see in the image, the before looks very sharp and digital. Film is soft, so what this is doing is making the image a bit more soft and filmic.

With something like this, you have to mess with the parameters. You can’t just throw it on and call it good. Continuing in this node, I am going to add some saturation to the image. Then I am going to take my lift down to add a bit of blue in the image, then using gain I want to add some more warmth into the image.

        Now I am going to add two more nodes for a layer mixer. Then in the bottom node I want to qualify the yellow.

Then moving to the gamma wheel I want to add more yellow into the yellows.

        Moving to node six, I am going to take my lift down and add a bit of green into the shadows.

        Now we are going to add another node for our glow. We are going to change composite mode to softlight and bring back our threshold and spread a bit.

        Then in our look node we will want to dial back on our saturation a bit.

        Now moving to our first node, we are going to click on our white balance eyedropper tool and click on the whiter line and it just cleans it up nicely.

        Now moving back to my OFX node, I want to mess around a bit with my parameters.

        Now they aren’t applying grain in the film damage OFX, so I am going to add that in node ten. I am going to use the 16mm 500T this time to go aggressive.

        The image is looking a bit dark, so I am going to add a node prior to our glow and using the custom curves, I will bring the top knuckle up a bit and pop it out a bit.

        Just like that we are done! Let’s go ahead and check out the final look in full screen.

        I hope you guys had a blast! It is a very specific look and this is the least amount of stuff to give it that character. I was keeping the node tree tight, but the sequence and how you lay it out and label it matters. So keep that in mind. With that, work hard, get obsessed, and stay possessed!